Just A little spot to drop a line or to to share my thoughts and pictures with friends and family.
Monday, December 31, 2007
Podcasts And The Sansa e260
Back to the Sansa. I have discovered an awesome piece of software for Podcasts. It's called myPodder at Podcastready The Best thing about it is you can download the all in one version and it will work in Linux, Windows and Mac. But here is the best part.... It installs to the device itself and can be used on virtually any computer because the software is launched from the player not the computer. For a geek like me this is very handy folks.
Sled Rides At The Pimple
Sunday, December 23, 2007
Doing Mac leopard OS
Well As you may have read in earlier post I bought a Mac Mini. After trying it for a few days I went online a bought 2 gigs of fast ram and tore the little box part and installed it. Because of it's small form factor it uses laptop ram. After watching a Youtube video it looked doable. All went well and It was running great under Tiger. But My wife and I decided to spend our anniversary upgrading to Leopard. Well things did not go well. I watched my wife do an upgrade instead of a clean install and all went well. My turn did not. I always do clean installs in windows and Linux but based on Jackie's experience I gave it a whirl. My first attempt ended in a stalled install. Second attempt worked but after a few hours I discovered that my machine was locking up if left for awhile and it was shutting my Time Machine back up drive down in the process. Nothing would wake it. Nothing except a reboot. Then it would not reboot or allow a re-install. I took several hours reading Google searches to find a way to reset it. Then a clean install and still problems. I was getting a little short thinking Tiger was the way to go. But While I was at work my wife did a clean install with nothing plugged into it. That worked. It has still crashed a couple of times and some times it will not wake from sleep. Tiger was rock stable. Leopard has a way to go. While I am not impressed with Vista I have to say Leopard has not been a great experience either. Time will tell if either of these OS's can match their predecessors in terms of stability.
Thursday, December 06, 2007
Man I Love Linux
This post is coming to you from a Linux Desktop. Linux Mint 4.0 to be exact. I have been very impressed with the rapid pace of development of Open Source Linux desktops. In the last two years I have seen a step by step refinement of the Linux desktop. I have tried too many too mention. The Distros that have stuck around are Mint, Ubuntu, PClinuxOS, Dream Linux. I also use Puppy Linux to refurbish older hardware we sell at our thrift store. Puppy consistently makes old Pentium II's viable work stations for basic computing. Anyway back to my rave. I bought a little Sansa e260 for under a $100 to replace a Creative ZenV Plus that died. I was disappointed by the lack of Podcast support in Windows. So out of curiosity I booted into Mint Linux and fired up Amarok. It saw my player right away and I was able to load songs and setup automated podcast downloads. If it was not for my need to run Photoshop natively I would ditch Windows altogether. But for now I dual boot. I also use Mac and recently tried to do an upgrade from Tiger to Leopard more on that later......
Wednesday, December 05, 2007
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
A Loving Savior
Can't explain it but Jesus has been sweet heavy on my heart lately. He comes like a thick warm blanket and leaves me feeling a deep comfort.
Monday, October 08, 2007
Thanksgiving Day 2007
It's been awhile since my last post. Here it is Thanksgiving day already. I have much to be grateful for. I have a good life. A great family, a job I love and a Saviour who loves me. What more can you ask for I just returned from the school where I spent an hour kiting my paraglider. That went well. I had several good inflation's while learning to control the wing with my "C's". Jackie's brother Alan arrived we just finished a nice lunch that Jackie prepared for us. It's movie time so talk to you soon.
Tuesday, October 02, 2007
Sunday, September 30, 2007
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Getting Air Time
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Food for Thought
"You're blessed when you're content with just who you are—no more, no less. That's the moment you find yourselves proud owners of everything that can't be bought.
Jesus Christ
Jesus Christ
Sunday, August 26, 2007
Mint Linux
I recently had a chance to install Mint Linux on my son-in-laws computer. He was impressed with all it's features and ease of use. Time will tell if we have a convert.
Novice Rating
Well I headed down to Mnt. Woodside to see Jim Reich and try to secure my novice rating for paragliding. Despite almost everything going wrong it seems I passed. I botched my take off and could not get into my seat during the flight so I headed to the LZ and landed ok. We headed to Bridal as conditions where getting rough. I spent the next hour and a half kiting. At 5 pm I had to head home. I was feeling like I had screwed it all up. But atlas Jim emailed saying I had passed.
Sunday, August 12, 2007
Fedora 7 "Live"

Wednesday, August 01, 2007
McKenzie Launch Pemberton
Amazing Kite
Beach Walk
Tuesday, July 03, 2007
The good life, as I conceive it, is a happy life. I do not mean that if you are good you will be happy - I mean that if you are happy you will be good. - Bertrand Russell
Saturday, June 30, 2007
Kris & Micah
Don't Touch The Bellybutton
Daughters & Weddings
Monday, June 25, 2007
More From Hullcar
Hullcar Launch
Sunday, June 24, 2007
Sunday Morning
The sun came up. Clouds began to form as it's energy warmed the earth. I could hear the tree leaves rustle as soft thermals let loose. The CBC filled my ears with the days news and I rolled over knowing I had that luxury. Coffee time! I nurtured a cup as I logged on to start my morning routine. I had spent some time the night before listening to some of Roseanne Cash's latest music. I have to say she has gotten even better with age. Very heart felt songs about life in all it's pain and glory. She has a way of bringing it to ya that makes you just stop and sit and listen. Thank God for the sweet gift of music and those who can say what we all think in such a satisfying way. As Harry Chapin once said in a song "music, it's been my greatest friend and my fiercest foe cause it can take you so high, and it can bring you so low".
I love these quiet Sunday's and my time spent with Jesus.
Well back to the dishes and laundry. And oh ya we flew yesterday but I have yet to retrieve my camera so more on that later
I love these quiet Sunday's and my time spent with Jesus.
Well back to the dishes and laundry. And oh ya we flew yesterday but I have yet to retrieve my camera so more on that later
Thursday, June 21, 2007
Mac's are just Macs
After a few more weeks with the Mac OS I have to say... well what a great job of marketing. I have used the mac daily for several weeks and I have to say it's like every other OS out there. It does some things very well and others not. I like the no anti virus no worries about spyware. That in it self saves a lot of time. But I can't see anything magical about it. Just a good solid OS. I guess what keeps coming back to me is that so is Linux. It also has the advantage of being free and offers choices no proprietary OS can. The Mac Mini on the other hand is quite a little enginering marvel. Quiet, fairly fast, very small. Did I mention it's small? Wel thats all for now.
Little things you find along the way.
I myself am made entirely of flaws, stitched together with good intentions. - Augusten Burroughs
Monday, June 11, 2007
Mac OS X
The mighty Mini has been home with me for a bit now. It's a shame you have to spend all that money to get the Operating System. That was what I was interested in. I have become a big Linux fan and am running a dual boot system on my laptop with Vista and PCLinuxOS . I have spent a few days, well a couple weeks fooling around with Mac OS X and I have to say..... hum.... In some ways it's way cool but in others you gotta shake your head. After a long time with Windows and about two years with Linux I have to say besides the driver issues I would take Linux any day. I stand amazed at what the Open Source community has done in just the few short years. So while I am reserving judgment on this Mac OS until I have really gotten to know it.
Friday, June 01, 2007
Mac Mini
Well somehow I came home with a Mac Mini. Intel Core Duo 1.66 I matched it up with my 19 inch wide screen and started to get acquainted. Well you know me... I just had to tear it apart. I guess I should have taken pictures. Hum I guess I shall have to tear it apart again. Any way it became apparent that I needed more ram. It came with 512 so a quick trip to the CanadaRam and 2 gigs arrived the next day. Apple saw fit to put the ram under everything else so you need to really strip it down to get to the ram slots. Well after reassembly i realized I had not plugged the sound strip back in properly so it all came apart again. A quick reassembly and all was well. And the OS ran considerable faster. I will be spending the next few weeks getting to know it and will post my observations.
The week-end is here
Well my posts have been few and far but here I am on Friday night. Work has been very busy lately. Lots of new projects on the go as we scale up the new recovery model. Well lets see whats new? PCLinuxOS 2007 final has been released and I must say it is very nice. This post is coming to you from my notebook running PCLinuxOS. I have discovered how to dual boot Microsoft's latest offering Vista. I found a little program called EasyBCD. It's freeware and works flawlessly. So I'm running a sweet dual boot. Vista uses a new boot manager and when Linux is installed as a dual boot using Grub to the MBR Vista disappears from the boot. The secret is EasyBCD. When you install Linux just install Grub to the /root partition and then reboot to Vista. Start EasyBCD and follow the simple instructions and your stylin with all that open source goodness. Don't forget to check out the new Ubuntu 7.04 it's pretty cool also. If you have an average computer (1 ghz or better and at least 256 of ram you can run a nice Linux distro. Other distros I have tried and work well are Sam Linux, Open Suse, and the new Mandriva spring 2007 is looking good. I must say I ran Sam Linux on a Pentium 733 with 384 megs of ram and a GeForce 5200. It proved to be a very sturdy distro. I used it for my main desktop for 3 months with no problems.
Harold Gets High
Wednesday, May 09, 2007
The second half of a man's life is made up of nothing but the habits he has acquired during the first half. - Fyodor Dostoevsky
Monday, May 07, 2007
The Missing Years
Well after a months absence I have returned. The gap was mostly due to a rather nasty Paragliding crash. Five broken ribs. I am here to tell tell you that broken ribs really do hurt a lot. A bad launch resulted in me being flung into three rather large boulders with considerable force. I am three weeks into my recovery and still feeling the effects. Six to eight weeks is the normal recovery time I'm told so a few weeks to go. More postings soon.
Friday, April 13, 2007
A little quote I found
Sometimes you find such clarity in one single sentence. There is an afternoon worth of discussion in these few words
Like so many folks, she was trying to construct a life that made sense from things she found in gift shops.
- Kurt Vonnegut
Like so many folks, she was trying to construct a life that made sense from things she found in gift shops.
- Kurt Vonnegut
Wednesday, April 04, 2007
Wednesday Morning
It came as a quiet and subtle surprise. While talking with a friend my hand slipped down to grab a hedge in his yard. I felt the rough dimpled bark as I ran my hand up toward the tip of the slender branch. As I was about to release my grasp it came to me. Through my fingers up my arm and into my conscienceness. There in my finger tips was a bud, a young tender soft bud of leaves pushing thier way into the world. Spring has come to us winter has released it's grip. The cycle of life has once again come full circle. Amen!
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