Just A little spot to drop a line or to to share my thoughts and pictures with friends and family.
Thursday, December 31, 2009
New Years Eve
Here we are Jackie and I. It's 9:30 and I am hoping to make midnight but I doubt it. Good night 2009, Good morning 2010.
Monday, December 21, 2009
It's here again and I have decided to do it different. No crazy shopping, no work till I drop. I pray this season will find many in a place of deep gratitude and profound calm knowing that the One who made them is passionately loving them in ways that we cannot even explain.
And the Word became flesh and dwelt among them.
And the Word became flesh and dwelt among them.
Monday, November 23, 2009
One of Many
John Gibbons passed away of the week-end. He had not reached his 40th birthday. John struggled to find peace in this world and now that struggle is over. God bless you John. Your home now in the arms of your Savior.
Friday, November 13, 2009
Helena Has Arrived
The first RC of Mint * has arrived and It is very nice. A few tweaks and here is a screen shot. I downloaded Gnome Do with a few docklets and set it to Docky mode and replaced Rhythmbox with Banshee. This is such a nice operating system with very nice software choices. Open Source community is truly amazing. Webcam, wireless, printers/scanners all worked out of the box. Even the soft keys for volume and wireless and touchpad lock all work. Very Groovy
Monday, November 09, 2009
Wednesday, November 04, 2009
Ubuntu 9.10 Netbook Remix
A friend of mine asked me to fix her Asus eeePC 900. It had a 4gig and 8gig SSD drive and with XP installed it was giving her disk full with nothing on it. So a quick download of the ISO and Unetbootin I created a bootable USB drive. A quick reboot to the USB stick and 12 minutes later I was looking at a very good looking and functional desktop. A few more minutes to update the install and to add codecs for the usual proprietary file formats and everything was working. Wireless Webcam everything. Nice job Ubuntu!
Friday, October 30, 2009
Windows 7
In my previous post I mentioned I ordered the 69 dollar upgrade disk. I wanted to mention that I expected to get a 32bit disk as my HP was shipped with 32bit Vista on a 64 bit system. I was pleasantly surprised to find two disks inside the package one 32bit and one 64 bit. Nice....
Even better when I did a clean install with the 64 bit disk and simply wiped the previous install and did a quick painless clean install and it found everything minus the video card and the scanner software for my HP All in One. There might be hope in Redmond yet......
Even better when I did a clean install with the 64 bit disk and simply wiped the previous install and did a quick painless clean install and it found everything minus the video card and the scanner software for my HP All in One. There might be hope in Redmond yet......
Winows 7 and Karmic Koala
Wow Microsoft finaly delivers a good OS. I signed up for the 69 dollar upgrade in the spring and also held off purchasing a new laptop until the release date. I have only been using it for a few days but I must say I like it. I never hated Vista but it was a resource hog and it was bugger early in it's release with tons of issues. 7 has been quite the opposite. I think MS was a lot smarter this time with lots of beta testing and allowing folks to run the RC with a key. This allowed lots of in the field testing. And users saw quick responses to the issues that presented. I really like a lot of the new features very intuitive.
But with that said Karmic Koala was also released this week and It is a force to be reckoned with. Each release has brought new polish and innovation. This release has produced a stable, polished and integrated OS that is very frugal with resources (340 meg vs 750 meg for Windows). In a few days we should see the release of Linux Mint (a spin off distro of Ubuntu that I prefer. I run dual boot on all my hardware. This affords me the best of both worlds and the opportunity to learn each new Windows OS. I make a small income off Windows in regard to fixing bloated damaged and otherwise compromised Windows computers. So long live the King he keeps me in cash...
But with that said Karmic Koala was also released this week and It is a force to be reckoned with. Each release has brought new polish and innovation. This release has produced a stable, polished and integrated OS that is very frugal with resources (340 meg vs 750 meg for Windows). In a few days we should see the release of Linux Mint (a spin off distro of Ubuntu that I prefer. I run dual boot on all my hardware. This affords me the best of both worlds and the opportunity to learn each new Windows OS. I make a small income off Windows in regard to fixing bloated damaged and otherwise compromised Windows computers. So long live the King he keeps me in cash...
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Sunday, October 04, 2009
October has arrived
Well it has cooled off quite a bit lately. Fall is here and time to get the house winterized. But for now I sit typing this while gazing outside. It is a sunny and windy morning. The weatherman says the wind is to slow and turn west. Perhaps we can fly today..... perhaps.
Monday, September 21, 2009
Puppy 4.3
Back to Work
After a uneasy summer it's time to get back to work. I have just finished my holidays. The rest was good.
Monday, September 14, 2009
Birthday Trip
My brother Derek offered the use of his KLR 650 for a trip north to see my daughter and grand kids in Quesnel. I could not refuse. Here is the bike. I dubed her "Big Red" and some of the senery on Hwy. 24
Friday, September 04, 2009
Fire Season
We have had a crazy fire season. This was not one of the worst days but it was quite smokey. This the view from Aberdeen.
Friday, August 28, 2009
Back To Work
Well I just finished 7 days off and man I could use 7 more but as they say "suck it up buttercup" so off to work I go.
At The Airport
I took the dog for a walk down near the airport along the river. I watched the many aircraft coming and going to fight fires. And then a huge flock of gulls passed over.
Fires Everywhere
This is the view from Aberdeen while we where car hunting. A local fire combined with many others in the region have made life here very difficult for those with breathing issues
Speargrass Launch
I drove up to Speargrass to retrive Dave's van after a early morning flight. By this time the wind had really picked up. The view however was as sweet as ever.
Sunday, August 09, 2009
Changes, Changes
The Mission where I work is going through some huge changes. We lost one of our funding contracts a few months back. Several staff where laid off at the time and the ED looked for new streams of income, but to no avail. So we have had to lay off several more workers and really pair down to bare bones while we struggle to stay afloat. I have been chosen to stay on but I will be back in the position of Chaplain as well as my other duties. So I will a very busy boy until we get this ship back on track.
Where He leads me I will follow.
Where He leads me I will follow.
Amazing Grace
Wow it's been a long time. So much going on.
Recently a good friend lost his wife to cancer. She fought a courageous battle with her husband by her side every step of the way. While I did not know her well I know her husband. And I hope that if any thing like this ever befell myself or family. That I would be able to walk through it with the grace and endurance these two have displayed though out a long and difficult journey.
Recently a good friend lost his wife to cancer. She fought a courageous battle with her husband by her side every step of the way. While I did not know her well I know her husband. And I hope that if any thing like this ever befell myself or family. That I would be able to walk through it with the grace and endurance these two have displayed though out a long and difficult journey.
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Things must be as I want them to be. Otherwise I would change them.
G. Rothstien
"Do you want to be well?"
Jesus Christ
G. Rothstien
"Do you want to be well?"
Jesus Christ
Tuesday, June 02, 2009
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Found on a chalk board.
You can't think you way into good living.
We have to live our way into good thinking.
Author Unknown
We have to live our way into good thinking.
Author Unknown
Getting High
Some of the boys headed to Little Dome to try our luck and It turned out to be a good day. We got high! I reached 2941 meters and flew for over an hour and a half. It was very cold up high and I got sucked into a cloud while farting around taking pictures. You can see the cloud that got me in the second picture. I was able to descend and make several passes at top landing but no luck too much lift on launch. But it was my best flight of the year so far.
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Linux Mint 7 Gloria

Thursday, May 07, 2009
Thoughts for a life
Don't compare your life to others.
You have no idea what their journey is all about.
You have no idea what their journey is all about.
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
It's Comfirmed
My government is completely paralysed and ineffective in meeting the needs of the people it serves.
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Made By Love
Today someone explained to me why we struggle so with hurts and tragedies. She said "We where created by Love to be filled with Love through a relationship of unity with the One who made us. This is why anything that is not love creates in us a dis-ease. Wow eh. Who would have thought it was that simple.
The Weather
Oh my, how much longer before spring arrives. It is -11 this morning and I really need a some sun and warm weather.
The trouble with weather forecasting is that it's right too often for us to ignore it and wrong too often for us to rely on it.
- Patrick Young
- Patrick Young
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Saturday Morning
It's 9am and -8 outside our hope is to fly today. The winter keeps hanging on and I really want it to be over.
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Stuck in a Walnut Tree
After a great series of flights by Dave, Jim, Harold and I a gusty landing had Jims wing in a tree. A Walnut tree to be exact. After much careful work we were able to get it free with no damage to the tree or the glider
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